A Very Bossy Tribute To Way Bandy


His techniques hold up. Fifteen years ago I would have though the contouring was completely over the top, but while I don’t contour, I know how it works and so does anyone with a passing interest in makeup at this point. The only currently mainstream technique he thought was too over the top were false eyelashes for day to day wear and, well, Way, lashes are WILD now.

Who Was The Real LL Bean?


It was the need for well-made, water resistant shoes for outdoor use that inspired Leon Leonwood Bean to go into business and build one of the most iconic American brands of all time.

How Olivia Newton-John Changed Country Music


Her Female Vocalist of the Year Award made George Jones and Tammy Wynette so angry that they held a secret meeting and created a new organization “to preserve the identity of country music as a separate and distinct form of entertainment,” no big deal.